This subject is so vague to be discussed. I was sitting here for couple of minutes thinking of writing something with regards to my Sensual Aromatherapy that produced by my company DELPHIN. What is SLS? This is what I found in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
“SLES is an inexpensive and very effective foaming agent. SLES has been shown to produce eye or skin irritation in experimental animals and in some human test subjects. Some products containing SLES have been found to contain low levels of the carcinogen 1,4-dioxane, with the recommendation from the FDA that these levels be monitored.
Although SLES is considered safe at the concentrations used in cosmetic products, it is an irritant similar to other detergents, with the irritation increasing with concentration.SLES has been shown to produce eye or skin irritation in experimental animals and in some human test subjects. The related surfactant SLS is a known irritant, and research suggests that SLES can also cause irritation after extended exposure in some people.
Toxicology research by the OSHA, NTP, and IARC supports the conclusions of the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association (CTFA) and the American Cancer Society that SLES is not a carcinogen.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency classifies 1,4-dioxane to be a probable human carcinogen (having observed an increased incidence of cancer in controlled animal studies, but not in epidemiological studies of workers using the compound), and a known irritant (with a no-observed-adverse-effects level of 400 milligrams per cubic meter) at concentrations significantly higher than those found in commercial products. Under Proposition 65, 1,4-dioxane is classified in the U.S. state of California to cause cancer.
1,4-Dioxane contaminant
Some products containing SLES have been found to contain low levels of the known carcinogen 1,4-dioxane, with the recommendation from the U.S. Food and Drug  Administration that these levels be monitored. The FDA encourages manufacturers to remove 1,4-dioxane, though it is not required by federal law.
Therefore is SLES good? I dare not say. Why not you tell me your opinion and I will give you my view. However, in our normal daily life, can we spend without SLES? Can our daily toiletry products be without SLES? As you know, pricing for toiletry and cosmetics has to be 3 to 5 times the cost of product due to the holding of stock and minimum quantity to be produced. Therefore, why there is so many price difference between one and another? What about retail rental outlet that has been increasing tremendously? Must this cost be taken into considerations also?
SLES has already been discussed many years ago back but yet until today there are still products with SLES being used. This has proven by the consumer spending power that products in booming and up-coming countries could not be afford to use with high quality ingredients. But what about countries that has already boomed and the bubble effect remains tighten?
I come across a few brand that my company is holding for Malaysia and Singapore that sells to hospitality industry only. The name of the brand is “SERENDIPITY” and “LE SPA”. This 2 products proven to be SLES free and it is a very good quality product to be used. Most interesting parts are both of this brands uses good purity essential oil as the fragrance being replaced by synthetic fragrance.  Serendipity uses avocado and macadamia as the main ingredients to produce and originated in Australia. While Le Spa uses the ancient time of the Kingdom of Siam, which is Thailand,  ingredients to produce the products. If you come across in Australia and Thailand for these products in the hospitality industry, you must really feel the products richness.    
Serendipity_100ml       Le_Spa_V2
     Serendipity                    Le Spa

SLES comes in many types or dilutions. Higher the dosage gives better foaming agents. Although my products, I admit, Sensual Aromatherapy Spa, contains SLES from palm base oil. The quality that you obtained from this product is imaginable. Most of the ingredients used are palm based and we don’t use synthetic fragrance but LEMONGRASS essential oil. The formula is carefully being inspected and experimented that give the best quality and usage functions to the user. Yeah!! We are hard-selling but hey, we need your support so that we can continue to support this blog.

Sensual Aromatherapy Brochures1
If you have come across this hotel “Avillion, in Port Dickson, Malaysia” , they are using the same standard of quality that our company is producing for them without the essential oil. Moreover, their SPA program or SPA shops has the finest natural plant extract products. They named it VALOUR and LIGHTNESS. For more information about the hotel and spa please visit and

The white building is the spa shop while next to it is the chalets room of the hotels.
 For more information about Sensual Aromatherapy Spa, please look into our product page under the category of toiletries. We are also providing samples!!! If you want to buy with trying out first please feel free to request us for the samples and we are very happy to provide you. Just drop us an email and we shall continue discussing from there.

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